What Every Merchant Should Know about the Advances in Mobile Payments Technology

While businesses that don’t accept credit cards and debit cards are fairly rare these days, there are some payment types that most businesses don’t use or accept. Traditionally, credit and debit card purchases are made on a payment terminal, which is usually in one fixed point in a store, restaurant, or other business. But there…

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Benefits of Having an Employee Handbook

Clearly laying out company policies and easy for larger companies, but small companies are at a disadvantage because they have just as much work to do, but for fewer employees. It might seem like an overwhelming task, but putting together an employee handbook is critical to running a successful small business. Some payroll companies are…

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Walgreens Hires Real Estate Brokerage

Commercial real estate is usually presented as a great opportunity for investors to thrive and profit. However, the process of investing in property can often be clouded by a number of important questions: for example, how to invest in a REIT, or real estate investment trust. With so much confusion, many potential investors may begin…

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How Americans Are Using Debt Relief Services to Achieve Financial Freedom

Following the Great Recession between 2007-2009, Americans found themselves in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Americans were faced with lay offs and lost their homes due to foreclosure. As such, many Americans relied on unemployment and credit cards in order to make ends meet, which resulted in significant amounts of credit card…

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How Debt Relief Centers Are Helping Americans Attain Financial Freedom

Unfortunately, debt is something we all have in one way, shape, or form. Whether it’s credit card debt, medical bills, or infamous student loan debt, American consumers owe a staggering $111.13 trillion in debt with numbers continuing to rise at alarming rate; $75 million per hour according to recent CBS news reports. Undoubtedly, the Great…

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Have You Considered Getting a Merchant Cash Advance to Help Your Small Business?

Starting up a small business is no easy feat. It is one of those adventures that holds a number of different unexpected surprises, not all of them good. A small business owner wears many hats, and holds many responsibilities that they may never have held before. One of the biggest challenges for a new small…

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Commercial Real Estate — What You Need To Know

Commercial real estate investing can be a very profitable endeavor, but if you’re trying to break into this industry and don’t know how to start, here are just a few basics to help get you started: What is commercial real estate? Commercial property is basically anything that isn’t residential property — i.e., business offices, retail…

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