With college tuition on the rise (and reaching scary new record-highs every year), many college students are finding it more difficult than ever to pick a subject to major in. Which major is interesting, but also useful? Which industry has opportunities now, and will still have jobs available decades from now?
There’s no way to know for sure which industries will be the most successful, but there are some industries that tend to offer stable job positions year after year. The financial industry happens to be one of those, and the sheer number of corporate finance careers that have remained stable over the years has caused many college students to pursue a degree in corporate finance or accounting.
Interestingly enough, people often assume that an interest in corporate finance will necessarily lead to a CEO position — despite the fact that thousands of people become very successful in other careers in banking and finance without becoming a CEO.
Most big companies certainly do have CEOs, who are responsible for managing the business and are the highest-ranking senior officers employed there. But these companies also tend to have CFOs (chief financial officers) and CFOOs (chief financial operating officers) who are experienced in accounting and manage the financial operations of the business. Underneath these positions, businesses usually have a variety of financial jobs. Nearly every business and non-profit organization has at least one accountant or bookkeeper, and a business with particularly complicated finances may also employ financial analysts. Unlike the CEO of a business, people with these types of corporate finance careers won’t have to spend about 60% of their time in meetings, and they won’t have to handle all the responsibilities that come along with a top management position — but they still make enough money to allow for a comfortable living style.
Quite simply, there are dozens of jobs in accounting and finance that have been around for a while and are likely to be necessary for years to come — and that type of job security doesn’t come along often. Helpful research also found here: www.osbornefinancialsearch.com